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1、 申请表

2、 护照复印件(如有随行家属,需同时提交其护照复印件,婚姻关系证明书需经中国驻外使、领馆认证)

3、 学历、学位证书及相关培训类证书复印件(最高学位证明需经中国驻外使、领馆认证)

4、 个人简历(包括详细的在国外的家庭地址、通讯方式、中、外文)

5、 体检报告复印件

6、 推荐信:若系从国内其他院校或单位转聘的,还需提交原聘用单位(外事部门)推荐函复印件;若系国外大学应届毕业生,需提交所在大学推荐信复印件和TELF证书。

7、 2寸电子版照片

8、 所购买的保险单复印件

9、 协议书

10、 需持工作签证入境(外教提前提供相关手续、由国际交流与合作处协助办理工作签证所需材料)

Foreign teacher should provide the materials as follow:

1. Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Work in China (in the attachment)

2. Photocopy of passport(if your family member comes with you ,also his/her Photocopy of passport, and your marriage certificate Need to be Certified by Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your Country )

3. Photocopy of Doploma(Highest Degree Certification Need to be Certified by Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your Country

4. Resume(including the detailed house address, phone number in your country . Both English and Chinese)

5. Photocopy of Health Certificate

6. Recommendation Letter(if you come to our university from other university, you should provide the recommendation letter from original university .You should have at least two years teaching experience. Or if you graduated just now , you should provide a TELF Certificate.)

7. Electronic Photo

8. Photocopy of Health Insurance Certificate (If you donnt have, you could buy after you come to China)

9. Contract(we provide)

10. TheZvisa(please provide the pertinent material to us, then we help you get theZvisa ).

上一条:来访交流 下一条:接待来访团组流程
